The Department of Public Service & Administration was formed to implement specific county government functions. The Fourth schedule, Part II of the Kenya Constitution, 2010, outlines the devolved functions to be performed by the Department. The County Department consists of two directorates namely; Human Resource Management and Public Administration.
The county public sector is under continued pressure from the citizenry to demonstrate high levels of performance and results that give value for money. However the department is faced with several challenges and emerging issues limiting its ability to deliver its functions effectively. The major challenges include lack of enabling policy, legislations, and institutional framework to guide the department in executing its mandate, lack of resource management tools, inadequate ICT infrastructure and weak coordination among the county government departments.
The Mandate of the Department is provided for in Article 186 of the Kenya Constitution 2010 and in Part II section 5 of the County Government Act No.17 of 2012. The Department Mandate shall include;
- Formulation and implementation of Public Administration, Human Resource and Information Communication Technology policies in collaboration with other departments and relevant institutions
- Coordination of the preparation and presentation to the County assembly the legal and institutional framework on Human Resource, Information Communication Technology and Public Administration.
- Enforcing staff discipline and code of ethics to ensure effective service delivery
- Mobilizing resources and enhancing public participation through barazas and stakeholder fora.
- Administration of salary, pensions and compensations schemes for the county staff
- Formulating guidelines on capacity building, training and performance monitoring of county civil servants.
This Department aspires to undertake a number of strategies to address the emerging issues in the county public service. One such agenda is the Result Based Management (RBM) initiative. This agenda calls for a paradigm shift, from process to results based operations of the public sector. Enhanced results orientation will promote participation, teamwork, improved programmes planning and management for the attainment of results. The second agenda is to develop a Human Resource Management strategy to guide the management of human resource in service delivery to enhance prudent recruitment, staff training and development, staff welfare and salary management. Another agenda is support for reforms and programmes that seek to strengthen decentralized units like sub-counties, wards and villages; coordination and monitoring of county government programmes, governance, justice, law and order.
- Existence of already established institutions and offices to offer services to the public
- Existence of skilled manpower
- Existence of a huge population and hence demand for services, goods and many other involvement/actors in the sector
- Ability to generate revenue
- Excellent collaborations among stakeholders/departments
- Availability of basic HR data
- Existence of laws/policies to govern functioning of the sub-sectors e.g. land policy
- Community participation and involvement
- Devolved structure of governance for easy coordination
- All the sections are understaffed hindering provision of services
- Inadequate funding
- Inadequate policies and legal framework
- Inadequate working equipment
- Inadequate health and safety measures at work place
- Lack of institutional framework to support the department
- Ignorance of community on devolved functions
- Low revenue collection and High wage bill
- Weak coordination among various government institution/agencies
- Goodwill of the public to support devolution
- Support by the National Government
- High expectation from the public
- Existence of a supportive legal framework
- Existence of devolved funds
- High population – there is high demand for services and labour supply
- Goodwill of the public to support devolution
- Support by the National Government
- High expectation from the public
- Existence of a supportive legal framework
- Existence of devolved funds
- High population – there is high demand for services and labour supply
The following are the department’s key achievements during the 2014/2015 FY:
Dr. Nicholas Kadiga Mwandihi
County Executive Committee Member
Mr. Philip Alwodi Gavuna
Chief Officer - Public Service Administration and Coordination of County Affairs, ICT and E-Governance
Dr. Betty Alosa Mulianga
Acting Chief Officer - Office of the Governor