
The department is one of those with the greatest potential to uplift the county. Although Vihiga covers fewer square kilometers, it lies on many readily available resources that are to be utilized. The department in tends to create wealth and employment through its vision: to have a clean and health environment for job and wealth creation. One of the long term plans for the ministry is to reduce over dependence on agriculture and land for subsistence living through sustainable use of the environment and natural resources On matters of forestry, the county has initiated an ambitious plan of the planting of 300,000 trees in public primary schools and the planting of 8,000 indigenous seedlings at Emabungo Hills. It has further held a major clean-up of Mbale and Chavakali markets and the preparation of County Environment Action Plan.


Mr. Meshack Onzere Mulongo

County Executive Committee Member

Dr. Richard Boiyo

Chief Office - Environment & Climate Change

Dr. Noel Malanda

Chief Office - Water & Sanitation


To be the leading department in the county and beyond service provision


Working together to satisfy Vihiga County residents’ water, sanitation, environment and forest needs.

Sub Departments and their mandate

1. Water

The mandate of the sub department is to explore, plan, develop, control and manage water and sewerage systems in the county so as to meet MDGs & vision 2030 and ensure adherence to the constitution of Kenya

2. Environment

The sub department is mandated to ensure control and management of solid wastes, control of sound, air and water sources pollutions, rehabilitation and control of riparian land and water sources, control of natural resources exploitation (sand, rocks etc) and ensure development projects adherence to all statutory laws.

3. Forest

The mandate of the sub departments is control, converse and rehabilitate natural forests, community forests and to ensure 10% forest coverage through private and public participation.

Our Departments

Transport & Infrastructure

Transport & Infrastructure

Finance & Economic Planning

Finance & Economic Planning

Public Service & Administration

Public Service & Administration

Physical Planning, Lands, Housing & Urban Development

Physical Planning, Lands, Housing & Urban Development

Commerce, Tourism & Cooperatives

Commerce, Tourism & Cooperatives

Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries

Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries

Environment, Water, Energy, Natural Resources & Climate Change

Environment, Water, Energy, Natural Resources & Climate Change

Health Services

Health Services

Gender, Culture, Youth, Sport & Social Services

Gender, Culture, Youth, Sport & Social Services

Education, Science and Technical Vocational Training

Education, Science and Technical Vocational Training