H.E. Wilberforce Kitiezo – Deputy Governor Vihiga County officially opened a three-day training sesVihiga Deputy Governor Wilberforce Kitiezo officially opened a three-day training session on Dissemination of Chicken Value Chain Technologies, Innovations and Management Practices (TIMPs), Tier 3 Training in Collaboration with Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) with support from National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP).
The training targets 104 trainees consisting of Lead Farmers (LF), Community Based Facilitators (CBFs) and Agripreneurs, facilitated by Technical Officers at Sub County and Ward levels.
The LFs will further cascade the TIMPs to fellow farmers who are organized in Common Interest Groups (CIGs/VMGs).
They will also implement technologies introduced by other extension service providers, manage baby demonstrations, hold field days and hold CIG/VMG meetings.
Additionally, they will follow up on fellow farmers to track TIMPs adoption.
On the other hand, the CBFs will support farmers in the CIG/VMGs to set up demonstration plots at the Farmer Field Business Schools (FFBS) demonstration sites.
In his opening remarks, the Deputy Governor emphasized the importance of commercialization of chicken value chain, encouraging participants to focus on raising chicken not only for subsistence but also for income generation and job creation.
Highlighting the significance of collaboration, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) is partnering with NAVCDP to train farmers on various technologies which include;
Own farm feed formulation as a cost-effective alternative for commercial feeds

Farmer field and business school approach to promote group marketing

Chicken diseases and disease control

Good Agricultural Practices and Food safety

Chicken breeding and selection

Incubation and hatchery management

Introduction to agribusiness , business planning and record keeping

Gender mainstreaming, inclusion of vulnerable and marginalized groups along the chicken inclusions in the chicken value chain.

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