A team from the Dept. of Environment led by Director Aquila Lwanga joined St. John’s Ambulance staff (a charitable organization that deals with basic First Aid trainings, evacuation of patients to hospital during emergencies and disaster management) for a clean up exercise in Mbale town to mark the St. John’s Community Service Day, observed on 15th February annually.
The clean up entailed actual cleaning of the market and door-to-door sensitization of the business community and enterprises within Mbale market with an aim of creating awareness on individual responsibility on sustainable waste management practices for a clean environment and wealth creation.
County Government of Vihiga recognizes the importance of a Multi-Sectoral Approach in attaining an effective and efficient waste management system.
In attendance were students from Kaimosi Friends University and St. Clares Maragoli Girls.
The event was supported in kind by Dashama wholesalers and Princol Limited from Mbale business community, Vihiga County Referral Hospital and individual well wishers including the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Transport and Infrastructure.
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