The Department is comprised of 4 sub-sectors namely, Crop Production, Livestock production, Veterinary services, and Fisheries Development.
The Vihiga County’s economy is predominantly agriculture with approximately 85 % of the population deriving their livelihood mainly from farming activities whereby subsistence farmers account for 90% of the population.
Though densely populated, Vihiga has a favourable climate and enormous resource endowment ranging from high precipitation, arable land, good road network and close proximity to both local and external markets.
The Department is expected to steer the County towards an innovative, commercially-oriented, regenerative agriculture and a food secure circular economy. To achieve this, the Department is expected to leverage on the enormous resource endowment ranging from high precipitation, arable land, small scale irrigation, aggregation centres and proximity to both local and external markets, focusing mainly on African Leafy Vegetables, Bananas, Avocados, local poultry, traditional foods, Nile Tilapia, African Catfish and value added farm products including Dairy.