Agri Jobs 4 Youth in partnership with AgriBora and GIZ through the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries today conducted a farmer training on AgroEcology Farming practices.
The training focused on Farmer Service Centre (FSC) and Ward Agricultural Officers who will later cascade the training to other farmers at the grassroots level to enhance production, sustainability and advisory to farmers for increased outputs.
According to Joan Awino from Agri Jobs 4 Youth (AJ4Y), the project is keen on supporting Agriprenuers and Small holder farmers with a view to enhance production and productivity thus leading to increased employment creation and income in rural communities.
Components of the project include:
1. Enhancing inputs, services and information
2. Supporting Agrienterprises to strengthen their businesses
3. Supporting state and non-state actors to have good policy frameworks and structures for growth of Agrienterprises
4. Creating awareness on the opportunities existing in the Agricultural sector
In his remarks, County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Agriculture Nicholas Kitungulu noted that the training comes at an opportune time given the approval of the Agroecology policy by the Cabinet.
He further called upon the project to embrace recently-hired Agriprenuers for effective and efficient service delivery.

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