County Government of Vihiga continues to make tremendous efforts in Environmental conservation, Climate Change mitigation and adaptation for prosperity.

Vihiga Governor Dr. Wilber Ottichilo in March launched the County Environmental Education Program dubbed ‘School Greening Program’ at Ikuvu Primary in North Maragoli Ward, Sabatia Sub County a program that seeks to impart environmental conservation skills and attitudes to learners at an early age.

Speaking during the launch, Governor Ottichilo said his administration is committed to the school greening program and will collaborate with the Ministry of Education, bring more partners on board, organize a workshop to train different stakeholders from schools and community at large so as to support the environment conservation initiative to mitigate Climate change effects.

He further called on residents to take the responsibility of planting trees and conserving riparian zones to protect surface sources of water.

With Vihiga being among the top Counties in Kenya on matters tree cover, which stands at 35.9% forest cover, over 100,000 seedlings have been procured by the Department of Water, Environment, Energy, Natural Resources and Climate Change to start up the School Greening Program which will entail growing of trees and other environmental activities in schools.

To sustain the program schools that will perform well will be rewarded in subsequent programs.

The program will be rolled out in all primary and secondary schools in the County.

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